Friday, 8 November 2013

Daemon Persuasion

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Halloween fair

Our Halloween Fair was on Sunday the 27th October at Laganview Enterprise Centre, Lisburn. It was a good day-not a huge turnout but for a first time I think it went well. All the stallholders that turned out were very nice and there was so much variety. I picked up a few things myself:)

I think we will organize another event towards Christmas time.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Halloween Craft Fair October 27th 2013

Moon and Stars Online is organizing a Halloween Craft Fair on Sunday October 27th in Lisburn. We are currently looking for stall holders. At the moment we have a Tarot reader, Wonder Scents, a fashion stall, face painting and more. The fair is for local people to show off their goods and to provide a fun day out. I will keep everyone updated on any further news. Everyone is welcome and it is free entry.

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Love is in the air...

July already:) Finally we are seeing some sun. Lammas is coming up on the first of August and is a popular time for handfastings. Pagan weddings are now legal in Ireland so if you are looking for a traditional ceremony then August is the perfect time.
Lammas is the first of the harvest festivals for the year.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

The Year Ahead

April is nearly over already. Spring is starting to arrive. Over the rest of the year I wil be making the effort to blog more often. For the next week until April 28th Moon and Stars will be offering a Love Tarot reading for the year ahead and a mini birth chart for only £5.00.
The Love tarot has been very popular. The spread can tell you if you are going to meet someone in the next few months and how past relationships have/are affecting current relationships. I think it is natural to compare our relationships and if you have had a string of bad ones then you start to think that every relationship will end badly but each person is different. If you are looking for love or even just advice on your current relationship then let us know and we will send you a reading.

Monday, 11 March 2013


Apologies I haven't been on in a while. Been v busy the last couple of months. March already. Spring has yet to make an appearance - its snowing outside as I write this. I am looking forward to spring when the weather gets warmer, the days are longer and you don't have to wear so many layers!
March 21st marks the Equinox. It is sure to be a time of celebration.