Tuesday 27 December 2011

Seasons Greetings

I hope you all had a pleasant Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year. At this time of year everyone is busy making their resolutions but how many of you actually keep them? We all say we will go to the gym more or make time for our hobbies then we get caught up in other things or we get lazy and they are forgotten.
This year when making your resolutions try to keep them realistic. Only choose a couple so that you don't feel under pressure to get them done. If you want to learn to play guitar for example make an effort to book some lessons and of course buy a guitar! If it is something you really want to do you'll make time for it. Ditch the crazy ideas and stick with the ones you can accomplish.
My New Year resolution so far is to learn palmistry. Wish me luck.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

2012: The end?

I'm sure by now most people have heard about the Mayan Prophecy that the world will supposedly end a year from now. I believe 2012 is not the end but the beginning of a new era where humans become more open to spirituality. Even though the end is not nigh looking forward to 2012 it would be a good idea to perhaps treat it as such. I don't mean freaking out and blowing your life savings but by taking chances and doing the things we have wanted to do for years. Maybe you would like to learn a new language, change your job completely or move abroad. Coming up to the new year why not make a list for yourself of say five things you would like to do and really make the effort to do them. You have a year to get them done but that doesn't mean you should put things off. Making positive changes in your life can really make a difference to your health and well-being. Give it a try.

Friday 25 November 2011

Winter is here!

It is officially winter and bitter cold. Christmas is on the way as well as Yule which is celebrated on December 22nd this year. Traditional colours are red and green and decorating a tree is a Yule tradition.
As the long nights draw in take time to decorate your house in bright colours and lights to make it more festive and beat the winter blues.

Monday 14 November 2011

Songs with a special meaning

Well it's November and by all accounts the weather is warming up instead of getting colder! I'm sure it will go back to normal soon. Just downloaded Snow Patrol's This isn't everything you are. Such a great song. Everyone has a song that means a lot to them. I think there are a lot of great songs out there with positive messages. Lady Gaga's Born This Way or 30 Seconds to Mars This is War are two great songs.
Anyone else have a favourite at the moment?
Let me know.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Happy Samhain

Samhain begins at sundown and runs to sundown tomorrow. This is a huge celebration and the pagan new year. Have fun, celebrate and stay safe!

Blessed Be

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Halloween Traditions

There are many Halloween traditions. The most popular are bobbing for apples, wearing costumes, carving pumpkins and going trick or treating. But what do these traditions mean?
Bobbing for apples is played by filling a large tub or basin with water and putting apples into the water which then float on the top. The object of the game is to get an apple out using your mouth only. The original idea was that the first single person to catch the apple would be the next to marry. Apples have long been associated with divining the future. It is said that peeling the apple you catch and throwing the peel into the water can reveal the initial of your future husband or wife.
Wearing costumes is usually favoured by children at Halloween but the tradition comes from an old superstition that ghosts can walk among us at Halloween and the costumes are so they won't recognise us.
Trick or treating is when children go from door to door begging treats. If they don't get them there could be a nasty trick in store for the home owner.
Jack o' lanterns are to ward evil spirits away. Faces are carved into the pumpkin and a lit candle set inside.
These are the most popular traditions that have survived over the years.
Image courtesy of creepyhalloweenimages.com

Friday 14 October 2011


October 31st, or Halloween as we all know it, is a day to remember loved ones who have passed and pay tribute to them. It is also the time when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. A lot more to it than costumes and candy!
If you have a loved one who has passed or if you simply want to remember your ancestors then you can create a   tribute to them. You can display old photos or mementos and keepsakes from your loved ones or if you do not have any then you can use something that represents that person for you.
Light white candles to represent the spirit world. Give thanks to your ancestors and spend time reminiscing about good times. This is a family celebration. I will be keeping you all updated this month with traditions for Halloween.

Friday 23 September 2011

Happy Mabon

Today is the Autumnal Equinox. A day for celebration. Enjoy!

Monday 12 September 2011

E-zine for Moon and Stars Online

There is a possibility we may be launching an e-zine in the near future. We hope to include articles from the public in the mag so all submissions are welcome. Watch this space.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Happy September

Happy September everyone! Autumn is here already and it is my favourite time of year. Mabon is on the 23rd of September and is a harvest festival. It is also the autumnal equinox with equal hours of day and night. It is a time for giving thanks and celebrating all that you have.
Mabon represents a time when there is balance between the light and the dark before the long nights start. The legend of Persephone and Demeter is relevant on this occasion. In Greek myth, Demeter's daughter Persephone was taken by Hades to the Underworld. Demeter was the Goddess of the Harvest and because she was so distraught at losing her daughter the plants and trees all began to die.
Zeus agreed to release Persephone as long as she had not eaten anything while in the Underworld. Unfortunately she had eaten some pomegranate seeds. A deal was made that she would stay in the Underworld for half the year and spend the other half with her mother on Earth. Thus we have spring and summer when she is above ground and autumn and winter when she leaves.
Use this time to reflect on your own life and whether you need more balance in it and how to achieve it.
Blessed Be

Monday 15 August 2011


Moon and Stars held its first Psychic Party. I think it went well, everyone seemed happy with their reading. I would love to expand on the parties and include more games for everyone to try. We try to keep our prices reasonable and every guest received a gift bag too. I think its nice to leave the guests with a good experience and   to give a little something extra.
Blessed Be

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Happy August

Hope everyone had a pleasant Lammas yesterday. August is here already! It is the beginning of the harvest season. It's also the time of year to evaluate what you have been doing and how far you have come. For the kids summer is half over but there is still time to do something fun. Whatever you decide to do be safe and enjoy yourself.

Blessed Be

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Welcome to the new Moon and Stars Blog

We have decided to include a blog on our site to keep up to date with news and any messages or events we would like to share with you.
Summer is upon us, to anyone celebrating Lammas at the beginning of August hope you have fun. The next holiday upcoming is Mabon in September. But that's ages away. It's summer time!!! Summer is a great time to have fun and try new things whether you are off school or even off work for your holidays. Instead of doing the same old humdrum holiday things -going to the beach, baking yourself in the back garden (if you're lucky enough to get any sun) why not make the effort to do something new, different and exciting.
Take time out, even a weekend, and take a drive somewhere you have never been before. Check out the local papers and the internet for any classes or festivals you can go to. The point is be spontaneous. You never know where it will lead you or to who...
If anyone has any exciting adventures to share with us let us know!