Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Halloween Traditions

There are many Halloween traditions. The most popular are bobbing for apples, wearing costumes, carving pumpkins and going trick or treating. But what do these traditions mean?
Bobbing for apples is played by filling a large tub or basin with water and putting apples into the water which then float on the top. The object of the game is to get an apple out using your mouth only. The original idea was that the first single person to catch the apple would be the next to marry. Apples have long been associated with divining the future. It is said that peeling the apple you catch and throwing the peel into the water can reveal the initial of your future husband or wife.
Wearing costumes is usually favoured by children at Halloween but the tradition comes from an old superstition that ghosts can walk among us at Halloween and the costumes are so they won't recognise us.
Trick or treating is when children go from door to door begging treats. If they don't get them there could be a nasty trick in store for the home owner.
Jack o' lanterns are to ward evil spirits away. Faces are carved into the pumpkin and a lit candle set inside.
These are the most popular traditions that have survived over the years.
Image courtesy of creepyhalloweenimages.com

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