Wednesday, 7 December 2011

2012: The end?

I'm sure by now most people have heard about the Mayan Prophecy that the world will supposedly end a year from now. I believe 2012 is not the end but the beginning of a new era where humans become more open to spirituality. Even though the end is not nigh looking forward to 2012 it would be a good idea to perhaps treat it as such. I don't mean freaking out and blowing your life savings but by taking chances and doing the things we have wanted to do for years. Maybe you would like to learn a new language, change your job completely or move abroad. Coming up to the new year why not make a list for yourself of say five things you would like to do and really make the effort to do them. You have a year to get them done but that doesn't mean you should put things off. Making positive changes in your life can really make a difference to your health and well-being. Give it a try.

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